T-Shirt Information
It is too late to order t-shirts for The Day of National Concern, but
are still avaliable.
Order Student Pledge T-Shirts! Black on White - Similar to Those
Seen on Student Pledge Billboards and Posters.
Minimum Order: 72 Shirts
Sizes Avaliable: Adult S,M,L,XL
Cost: $3.70/Shirt (Includes Shipping) $3.50/Shirt in Minnesota
Order from Odditee's, Inc.,
Custom Screen Printing and Embroidery
2504 39th Ave. Northeast
St. Anthony, MN 55421
You may order by mail, at the address above; or by fax, at (612) 781-0727;
or by e-mail at odditees@bitstream.net.
When ordering, simply request the "Student Pledge" t-shirt. When placing
an order, you will be asked to mail in a payment equal to 50 percent of
your total bill. Any remaining balance shall be due upon receipt of your
t-shirt order. If you have any questions, call Joni, at Odditees, at (612)