Pledge Events in Small Communities
In Burlington, Vermont, Hunt Middle School will hold an assembly on the
morning of October 20th, which has been planned entirely by the students.
They have invited a representative from the Justice Department, an individual
from a battered women’s group, mentors from their local high school,
well as the mayor of their city.
In Decatur, Georgia, a candlelight ceremony is being planned at their stadium
during the half time of the football game.
In Catonsville, Maryland, students have been announcing statistics about
gun violence during the week prior to the pledge. They are creating a “Train
of Pledges” with signed pledges. A pep rally will be held on October 2l
from l2:45 - l:00 p.m., where the Pledge will be acknowledged. This event
is being sponsored by SADD and the Student Council.
Location: l00 Kenwood Avenue, Catonsville, Maryland
Schedule: October 2l, 1999
In Vicksburg, Mississippi, students at Warren Central High School will sign
large banners which will be hung in the school gymnasium
Location: Warren Central High School, l000 Highway 27, Vicksburg, Mississippi
Schedule: October 2l – 23, 1999
In Richmond, Virginia, James River High School is planning a week long event
around various topics leading up to the Pledge. Each student who signs the
Pledge will receive a coupon for free french fries at Chic-Fil-A. The Chestefield
County Policy and the local chapter of Crime Solvers will make a $200 cash
donation to the grade level with the highest percentage of students signing
the pledge.
Location: James River High School, 3700 James River Road, Midlothian, VA
Schedule: October l8-22, 1999
In Milwaukee, Wisconsin, Police Chief Arthur Jones will address students
at Bay View High School, at l:00 p.m. on October 21, 1999
Daffodils will be planted at 27th Street School, l715 North 27th St.
An event is also scheduled at Westside Academy, l940 North 36 Street
Connecticut Public TV will be broadcasting a one-hour call-in show on
2l, from l0:00 - ll:00 a.m. entitled “Bystanders Role in Preventing Violence” with
a special focus on the Student Pledge Against Gun Violence.
Location: Network Channels l0 and l2
Schedule: October 2l, 1999
In Grand Isle, Louisiana, high school students will be reading “The Gorp’s
Gift” to elementary students and middle and high schools students will
signing the pledge over their lunch hours. Also a candlelight vigil is
for October 25 to honor the memory of the students and teachers killed
campuses across America.
Location: Grand Isle High School
Schedule: October 25, 1999
In Farmingdale, New Jersey, students at Howell Township Public Schools will
be signing the Pledge and viewing a video created by their Student Assistance
Coordinator, Tom Letson, addressing the Day of National Concern and giving
short conflict resolution and anger management skills. Also school message
boards in front of the school will read for the following for the entire
week: “Don’t Choose Violence,
Talk to Your Parents or to Your School Counselor.”
Location: Howell Middle School, 501 Squankum-Yellowbrook Rd, Farmingdale,
Schedule: October l8, 1999
In Carterville, Illinois, high school students will be signing the Pledge
and developing a Goal Poster to track how many students have signed the
Pledge. High school students will also be reading to kindergarten and
classes from Sherri Chessen’s Gorp’s Gift and Marybeth Lorbiecki’s Just
One Flick of a Finger and conducting discussions with the children on handgun
violence. Arrangements are also being make with National Public Radio Station
WSIU to play the 20 minute broadcast of “Bullets with Names”.
Location: Carterville High School, 8l6 S. Division, Carterville, IL 629l8
Schedule: October 2l, l999
In Richmond, Virginia, all 60 public schools will have the opportunity to
plant daffodil bulbs, donated by Southern States Cooperative.. to commemorate
the lives of students lost in school shootings. Byrl Phillips Taylor, who
lost a son due to gun violence, will speak at two Richmond schools on October
2lst. Mr. Gregory Carter, teacher and coach who was shot bya student on
school grounds will also be speaking.
Broadway, Virginia, will be having several guest speakers and students will
be signing the Pledge at three schools.
Contact: Broadway High School, Plains Elementary School, Frank Hillyard
In Buckeye, Arizona (just outside Phoenix) a mother of three is planning
an elementary school assembly that will include an emergency room worker
and a law enforcement person to address the issues of gun violence.
Location: Buckeye Elementary School
Schedule: October 2l, 1999
In Little Rock, Arkansas, a kick-off rally will be held on Monday, October
l8, at l0:00 a.m. on the steps of the State Capitol. A presentation including
a mother and sister of one of the student vicitms in the Jonesboro shooting
will also attend and speak.
In Hot Springs, Arkansas, a rally will be held which will include a lit
candle for each of the students killed on school campuses in the past two
years. A speaker from Jonesboro
and Congressman Jay Dickey will be present.
In Grayson, Kentucky, East Carter High School will be putting aside daily
assignments during their first class hour and teaching a prevention curriculum.
During the lunch
on October 2l, students will be signing the pledge. Also statistics about
juvenile violence will be announced at the beginning and end of each class
hour. These announcements will also be broadcast over the local radio station,
Location: East Carter High School, 405 Hitchins Road, Brayson KY
Schedule: October 2l, 1999
In Annandale, Virginia, a memory wall be erected on Monday. Ribbons will
be distributed on Thursday in memory of those who have lost their lives.
At 7:00 p.m.
on Thursday, October 2l, the National Art Society will host an art exhibition
in conjunction with the event. Plans are underway for Senator Warner to
attend an assembly (yet to be finalized).
Location: Annandale High School, 4700 Medford Drive, Annandale, VA
Schedule: Monday, October l8, 1999, and Thursday, October 2l, 1999