Pledge Against Gun Violence
Day of Concern Events: October 8, 1998
Examples from around the country:
- Minneapolis, Minnesota
- New York City, New York
- Marietta, Georgia
- Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
- Cromwell, Connecticut
- Charlottesville, Indiana
- Nashville, Tennessee
- Chicago, Illinois
- Temple Terrace, Florida
- Colorado Springs, Colorado
- Seattle, Washington
- Montclair, New Jersey
- Want more information?
Minneapolis, Minnesota
- At the invitation of Minnesota Attorney General Skip Humphrey, Secretary
of Education Riley will be visiting a school in Minneapolis on the Day
of National Concern. He will participate in a panel discussion with
high school students on the subject of young people and gun violence.
Minneapolis Mayor Sharon Sayles Belton, who has played a significant
national role by activating her fellow mayors participation, and Attorney
General Humphrey, who has also played a national role by alerting his
fellow state attorneys general to the Day of National Concern, will
be taking part in the panel discussion.
Date: Oct. 8
Time: 10:00-ll:00 a.m.
Place: Richard Green Central Park School, 3416 4th Avenue South
Contacts: Jack Nelson, Director of Safe Schools, Minneapolis (612-627-2232)
Leslie Sandberg, Attorney General Humphrey's office (651-296-6196)
Amy Phenix, Mayor Sayles Belton's office (612-673-2305)
- A great visual: Twin Cities billboards publicizing the October 8 Student
Pledge feature former Minnesota Twins superstar, Kirby Puckett, and
students wearing Pledge t-shirts. Locations: Chicago Ave and East Lake Minneapolis; Penn Avenue North and Broadway Avenue in Minneapolis;
Payne and Busch Avenues in St. Paul; Lexington and University and Avenues
in St. Paul; Penn Avenue South and 66th Street in Bloomington.
- Minnesota's statewide initiative has been spearheaded by Minnesota
HEALS, a public/private partnership whose mission is to bring together
corporate, civic, and state government leaders to address violence in
the Twin Cities.
HEALS contact: Ken Jenson, 612-951-8764
New York City, New York
- Materials have been distributed to 1200 schools at all levels: elementary,
middle, and high schools. Some schools have been building towards the
Day of Concern with on-going class projects such as research into realistic-looking
toy guns sold in stores (with letters to stores that stock ones that
look too much like the real thing) and poster contests. Other schools
have planned special assemblies with guest speakers that include mothers
who have lost children to gunfire. A well-known group of wheel-chair
performers, "the Gun Runners" (some of whom became paralyzed
because of gunshot) will perform in one school.
- On Staten Island, Tina Johnstone, creator of the Silent March and
widow of David Johnstone who was shot on a business trip and later died,
will be speaking at Curtis High School. A memorial area at the school
has been planned to commemorate two students who died recently from
Contact: Edward Seto, in the Principal's office
- District 8 in the Bronx, with its twenty-two elementary and middle
schools, has involved its students since the beginning of the year in
class projects related to the issues surrounding the Day of National
- Young people at an after-school youth center, the Science Skill Center
in Brooklyn, led by a safety officer volunteering his time, Alan Jackson,
will use materials provided by Dr. Enid Margolies, Director of Educational
Safety Development and Support for the NYC Public Schools, in their
- Middle Schools in District 28 are planting trees in memory of young
people who've died from gunshots.
Marietta, Georgia
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
- At Showmaker Middle School on October 8, the Pledge will be recited
by students during an assembly beginning at 9:00 a.m. Then student representatives
will be called to the stage to sign the pledge. Later, all students
will be given copies of the pledge to sign in their classrooms, as will
students in all Philadelphia public schools. City Councilmember Michael
Nutter and Deputy Mayor of Gun Violence Richard A. Zappile will speak
to students at the assembly.
Time: 9:00
Place: Shoemaker Middle School, 53rd Street and Media Avenue
Contact: Paul Hanson, Office of communications, Philadelphia Schools
(215) 299-7850.
Cromwell, Connecticut
- Assemblies held two grades at a time at Cromwell Middle School. Classes
have been leading up to the observance all week. Possible participants
in the assemblies: Cadets from the Police Academy, an FBI agent, a State
Police Officer. Channel 8's Brian Burwell will serve as a moderator
for the assemblies.
Time: 1:15-2::30.
Place: Cromwell Middle School
Mann Memorial Drive
Cromwell, CT
Contact: Peter Francis, Vice Principal 632-4853
Charlottesville, Indiana
Nashville, Tennessee
- The Mayor of Nashville, Phil Bredesen, will hold a press conference
at West End Middle School in connection with Nashville schools city-wide
Date: Oct. 8
Time: 12:30 p.m.
Place: West End Middle School, 3529 West End Avenue, Nashville
Contact: Cynthia Morin (615) 352-0322
Chicago, Illinois
- Rock Music Station B-96 will be broadcasting a one-hour commercial-free
call-in show with Illinois Attorney General, Jim Ryan; Mayor Richard
Daley; US Senators Carol Mosely-Braun and Richard Durbin; Chicago Police
Superintendent Terry Hillard; Chicago Public Schools CEO Paul Vallas;
and young people participating as guests. Mayor Daley will call in and
lead all Chicago students within the sound of his voice in reciting
the Pledge. Paper copies of the Pledge will have been distributed earlier
in Chicago's schools.
Date: Oct. 8
Time: 9-10:00 a.m
Place: WBBM 96 ("B96"), 630 North McClurg Ct., Chicago IL
Producer: Todd Cavanaugh (312-951-3307)
Chicago contact: Commander Roberta Bartik, or Investigator Connie
Perusich: (312) 747-5595.
Temple Terrace, Florida (just outside of Tampa)
- A parade with pledges, posters/banners, etc. The Mayor will be there,
and students will march around the track with Police helicopters, boats,
motorcycles, and dignitaries in the center field.
Date: Oct. 8
Time: 9:00 a.m.
Place: Greco Middle School, 6925 East Fowler Ave., Temple Terrace,
Contact: Officer Carl Avari-Cooper, School Safety Officer
Ph: (813) 987-6926
Colorado Springs, Colorado
- At Pine Creek High School, the Mayor of Colorado Springs will lead
students in reciting the Pledge on Oct. 8. Survivors of gun violence
will relate their stories. Also appearing, Denver Bronco players and
Olympic athletes.
Date: Oct. 8
Time: 10:30-ll:30
Place: Pine Creek High School, 10750 Thunder Mountain Ave., Colorado
- Great visual: Brand new white cement trucks carrying the Pledge on
their rotating barrels. These new trucks were inaugurated two weeks
ago and have been circulating throughout Colorado Springs to publicize
the Pledge and Day of Concern.
Contact: Colorado State Coordinator, Don Davidson, a high school
teacher whose best friend, another teacher, was shot and killed.
Ph: (719) 593-7995 (h); (719) 598-8127 (w)
Seattle, Washington
- 700 students will participate in a rally in the park and then march
one half mile to Sam Smith Park where they will recite the Pledge with
the King County Sheriff and selected youth leaders.
Date: Oct. 8
Time: 10:00 a.m.
Place: The March for Peace will begin at Martin Luther King Memorial
Park (located at corner of Martin Luther King Way and South Walker),
Contact: Mike Seely, MAVIA, Seattle WA 206-323-2303
A kick-off event that happened on Monday, October 5:
Montclair, New Jersey
- In an outdoor ceremony begun with the Pledge of Allegiance and the
singing of God Bless America, eleven-year-old Jana Lee introduced NJ
Sen. Frank Lautenberg and ten-year-old Owen Caplin introduced Congressman
Pascrell, who spoke in honor of the occasion. Dan Gross of PAX presented
a plaque to the school. Dan's brother, Matthew, who was shot and severely
injured in the shooting that took place a year and a half ago on the
Observation Deck of the Empire State Building, was also present. A tree
was planted as a sign of commitment by the students.
Contact: Dan Gross (212) 812-2434.
Want more information?
For more information on the Day of Concern, contact
Mary Lewis Grow, National Coordinator
Ph: (507) 645-5378
Fax: (507) 663-1207
E-mail: [an error occurred while processing this directive]