Kick-off Events for Day of Concern

Descriptions of a few of the events happening around the country on Wednesday, October 7, 1998.

  • A student assembly in Wilsonville, south of Portland, will feature Ryan Atterberry, a student who was shot at Thurston High School in Springfield OR, and his mother, Yvonne Atterberry. Pledge forms will be handed out at the assembly, along with bookmarks that have the Ribbon of Promise (to end school violence), a movement organized following the Thurston High School shootings. Also participating in the assembly will be Norma Paulus, Oregon Superintendent of Public Instruction, the State President of the Oregon Association of Classified School Employees, and representatives of the Oregon Federation of Teachers.

    Date: Wed., Oct. 7
    Time: 10:00 a.m.
    Place: Wilsonville High School
  • Press conference featuring Ryan Atterberry and his mother, Yvonne Atterberry, along with the Oregon Superintendent of Public Instruction, Norma Paulus.

    Date: Oct. 7
    Time: 10:50 a.m.
    Place: Wilsonville High School
  • Photo op: The Governor of Oregon will endorse the Student Pledge Against Gun Violence in the presence of Ryan Atterberry, Yvonne Atterberry, Superintendent of Public Instruction Norma Paulus, and Oregon Federation of Teachers representatives.

    Date: Oct. 7
    Time: 1:00 p.m.
    Place: Governors office, State Capitol, Salem OR
    Contact for all Oregon events: Mary Slawosky, Oregon chapter of American Association of Classified School Employees (1-800-252-6732)


  • At St. Marys Star of the Sea, a Catholic grade school, the school librarian will be reading a book for young children about staying safe from guns, The Gorps Gift, Wednesday morning. Children will be signing Pledges and sending copies to President Clinton and Mayor Daley.

    Date: Wed., Oct. 7
    Time: Wednesday a.m., October 7
    Place: 6424 South Kenneth Ave., Chicago 60629

  • On Wednesday morning Mike Robbins, a retired police officer who was shot in the line of duty, will address an assembly at Luther High School South to kick off the Pledge.

    Date: Wed., Oct. 7
    Time: 9:30 a.m
    Luther High School South
    Anthony Rainey, Asst. Principal
    3130 W. 87th St.
    Chicago IL 60644
    Chicago contact: Commander Roberta Bartik, or Investigator Connie Perusich: (312) 747-5595.


  • Kick-off for state observance of the Day of Concern at Little Rock City Hall. A representative from the Governors office will read the Governors Proclamation. The Mayor of Little Rock will attend, as well as students and family members of Jonesboro victims.

    Date: Wed., Oct. 7
    Time: 10:00 a.m.
    Place: City Hall, Marcum and Broadway
    Contact: Jo Evelyn Elston, Pupil Services, Little Rock School District
    Ph: (501) 324-2164 or (501) 324-2000