Suggestions for Spreading the Student Pledge
- Call local representatives of last year's Endorsing
Organizations. Ask how they might be able to help with local and
state dissemination.
- Ask your state's Commissioner of Education (in some states, Superintendent
of Public Instruction) to write and send a copy of the Pledge to all
the state's school districts urging their participation. In the past,
commissioners in Minnesota, New York, Connecticut, California, Washington,
and Colorado have done that. The New Hampshire Education Association
mailed Pledge information to all districts in the state.
- Contact your local press and ask them to write stories about the event.
Offer to be a local contact.
- Plan a September "launch event" to publicize the Day of Concern and
Student Pledge Against Gun Violence. Involve parents, students, elected
officials, the Chief of Police, school officials, and prominent public